LoCascio v. United States, 267 F. Supp. 2d 306, 318 (E.D.N.Y.), quoting the opinion by United States District Court, Eastern District of New York, Judge I. Leo Glasser: “LoCascio was also vigorously represented at trial by John Mitchell, an able and experienced defense lawyer.”
Deadlly Alliance, Ralph Ranalli:
“The defense team sitting at two long tables behind the prosecutors was one of the best the Boston bar could offer. In addition to the talented Fishman and Weinberg, Cardinale also called in John Mitchell, a Manhattan attorney who was one of the nation’s foremost experts in both RICO and electronic surveillance law. Even the other lawyers on the team admitted their brains sometimes ached when Mitchell waded into his complex legal theories.”
The Sixth Family: The Collapse of the New York Mafia and the Rise of Vito Rizzuto, Lee Lamothe and Adrian Humphreys (2006):
Vito [Rizzuto’s] battle against being extradited to the United States is well funded, multipronged and well organized. At a court hearing in Quebec to argue against his extradition. he had no fewer than five lawyers working on his case… He has also retained an experienced New York criminal lawyer, John W. Mitchell… Mitchell has been providing legal advice on American law and procedures… in a legal brief prepared for [Rizzuto’s] defense team [Mitchell writes] ‘The document links Mr. Rizzuto to no other crimes or racketeering acts; in fact. it does not allege that Mr. Rizzuto has been physically present in the United States for the past 23 years.” Thus. any alleged racketeering conspiracy involving [Mr. Rizzuto] then, would have been completed the day [Mr. Rizzuto] left New York …’ Mitchell argues.”
CNN Boston: “Reputed Mobsters Admission May Cause Case To Crumble;”
Mercurio’s answer raises questions about whether the Justice Department misled a federal judge to get a wiretap… Judges will not grant wiretaps if they know authorities have investigative alternatives, such as informers. “It is an important part of a mosaic that were going to build to argue that there has been outrageous government misconduct in this case and ask for a retrial,” defense attorney John Mitchell said. Salemme’s lawyers say they’ll ask that the wiretaps be thrown out. If the judge agrees, the case against Salemme… could be in jeopardy. Judge says government’s credibility is at stake.
Hartford Courant, By Edmund Mahony and Lynne Tuohy:
Defense lawyers reacted gleefully to Wolfs ruling at a daylong round of press conferences. “You
couldn’t be human and not be disgusted at the level of treachery Flemmi and [Whitey] Bulger engaged in,” said John Mitchell of Manhattan, one of lawyers representing Salemme.
Boston Globe: FBI Makes Admission on Bulger, by Patricia Nealon:
John W. Mitchell of New York, suggested yesterday they may make that argument. “The government brought this case knowing that two defendants [Bulger and Flemmi] had cooperated with the government for something like 30 years and had served as government agents, yet represented this was a bona fide [racketeering] enterprise,” Mitchell said. “We didn’t know until just recently that apparently some part of this enterprise was being orchestrated by the government,” Mitchell said.
Mafia Dynasty, John H. Davis:
Later the defense team let [Judge] Glasser know their thoughts and feelings about what Maloney had said. “That was a purposeful effort to throw a hand grenade in this case,” complained John Mitchell. “It was not a summation, but an attempt to influence and prejudice. It was done for one purpose—to pollute this case. The summation Mr. Maloney gave was nothing short of outrageous.”
King Of The Godfathers, Anthony DeStefano:
Representing Vitale were John Mitchell, a veteran defense attorney from Manhattan who also specialized in criminal appeals.